Triteleias, though not widely known, are useful little bulbs for the border and for cutting, being both reliable and easy to grow. They produce sprays of flowers, not unlike miniature agapanthus, on strong, wiry stems. As their foliage is rather insignificant, they are perfect for growing through lower growing subjects, such as hardy geraniums, to produce another layer of border colour in summer. Recent hybridisation has increased the range available, with some of the best included here.
Triteleia 'Aquarius'
Exciting new double-flowered variety - twice the impact and a heavenly shade of luminous blue-lilac. Ht.16" (40cm)
Corm size 5+ cm
Pack of 10 bulbs for £4.00
Pack of 30 bulbs for £10.00
Triteleia 'Corinna'
Violet flowers with a deeper purple centre stripe. Very striking. Ht. to 24" (60cm).
Bulb size 6+ cm
Pack of 20 bulbs £3.00
Pack of 100 bulbs £10.00
Triteleia 'Rudy'
Lovely & unusual variety, with white flowers, striped violet-blue. Ht. to 24" (60cm) but often less.
Bulbs size 5+ cm
Pack of 10 bulbs for £4.00
Pack of 30 bulbs for £10.00
Triteleia laxa 'Silver Queen'
Sprays of silver-white flowers. Ht. to 24" (60cm) but often less.
Bulb size 5+ cm
Pack of 10 for £4.00
Pack of 25 for £8.50