Hedychium coccineum var. aurantiacum
New in 2025
Highly fragrant, bright orange flowers with red anthers, produced prolifically from late summer to the first frost. With their upright glaucous leaves, the plants have quite an architectural appearance, making them ideal for the exotic garden. Can be grown in sun or partial shade in southern areas but best in full sun further north. Can also be contained grown and moved to a frost free...
Hedychium gardnerianum AGM
New in 2023
(Ginger lily) Powerfully fragrant and the showiest of the family, this exotic beauty throws up many towering spikes of stunning flowers from late summer into autumn. Does well in a rich soil in semi-shade, where it can survive winter outdoors with a good mulch in favoured locations. Otherwise, lift and overwinter frost-free. Also ideal for a large container. Water & feed generously...