Gifts & Gift Vouchers
Bulbs as Gifts
We are happy to send bulbs intended as gifts to an alternative delivery address and to invoice you, the donor, at your own address. We can also enclose your own personal message with the gift if you e-mail or 'phone this to us with your order details. Gift Vouchers These are available in multiples of £5 and can be redeemed against purchases of bulbs from our website, or bulbs/perennials from...
Gift Cards
Gift Card for your message.
Please write your message in the 'delivery instructions' when you are completing your order.
Gift Vouchers
After choosing your amount and checking out, you will receive an email confirming your purchase. Shortly afterwards, we will confirm the purchase and you and the recipient will both receive emails - yours will confirm the purchase and that the recipient has been sent an email. The recipients email will also advise them of the amount of the gift and a unique voucher number which they can use online...